My shiny new blog is all set up! Please visit me at and if you're one of the best people in the world (aka people who give me blog link love) be sure to change your links to the new space!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
We've Moved!!!
4:18 PM
Friday, June 19, 2009
Song of Her Soul
That will be my new blog name, on my very own domain.
Just as soon as I figure out all the hosting/moving/fixing/pulling my hair out. Which means it might be a few years.
But for now, the domain is mine. Sorry to all my bloggy buds who helped me pick a name way back in September. I went with my own suggestion! Boooo, Crystal. Baaaad, Crystal! You'll forgive me, right? *grin*
Of course, I haven't been blogging all that much, so it may be a waste of money. But maybe actually paying for it will help me get my butt in gear. I guess we'll see!
3:17 AM
Labels: blogging, domain name
Thursday, June 18, 2009
On Dr Seuss
I'd like to start collecting children's books. I love Dr Seuss and loved reading them when I was little.
What were your favorites? What are your children's favorites?
12:33 AM
Labels: books, children's books, Dr Seuss
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Meet Horton
Meet Horton.
She's an elephant.
Yes, this Horton is a she. (Notice all the purple.)
I don't think our Horton has heard a Who. Or a What. Or a Why, for that matter. But she has a Where, and that Where is at our house. In our nursery. On the new dresser - that took me months and months to pick - and will belong to our future-adopted-child-to-be. (No, we do not have any news.)
(Dustin named her, by the way.)
Horton joined our little family a long time ago. She came to us from a cute little Etsy shop. I'm sure I bought her for a baby gift, but for some reason or other did not give her away. I ended up buying something else for the gift, and I don't remember What it was, or for Whom it was even bought. So Horton still resides in our little home, on her very own little Where, just waiting to make a friend.
Hopefully our future little Who will love her.
11:22 PM
Labels: adoption, dresser, elephant, horton, mindless musings, our adoption journey, toys
Friday, June 12, 2009
On Open Adoption
Here is an excellent blog post on open adoption.
And another one by the same person on what it is not.
There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding open adoption. I know I had several myself going into the process. In fact, I was uncomfortable with it at the beginning of our journey, but just a little ways in I totally had a change of heart and desire it 100%.
Good posts. Read 'em!
3:58 AM
1 harmonies
Labels: adoption, open adoption, our adoption journey
Monday, June 01, 2009
Dear Baby...
A year or two ago, I found this pretty little journal at Target. I don't really journal, and I had no idea what I would do with it, but for some reason, it caught my eye. It was calling out to me, so despite the fact that I nearly choked at spending almost ten dollars on a blank book, I bought it. It sat on my bookshelf, looking all pretty, this whole time. Still blank. Without a purpose.
Tonight, laying in bed with the hubby, I decided to write a letter to our baby. Then my mind flashed over to the pretty little journal, and I knew what I had to do. The journal has now been turned into a Dear Baby book, and in it I will write letters to our child from now, pre-parenthood, until it is filled. I'd love for our child to see how much he or she has been wanted, how often we think of him or her, and how much love we have always had.
I wrote the first letter tonight. I thought I'd share it with you. It's special to me, and hopefully someday it will also be special to Baby.
Dear Baby,
It's hard to imagine the possibility of missing someone you haven't even met. But I do. Hi, it's me. Your mama. We haven't met yet, but we will. I crave that day like a root thirsts for water to nurture its very soul. To hold you, cuddle you to my chest and feel the rise and fall of your breath, counting and kissing every tiny finger and every tiny toe again and again. I can't wait to sing to you a lullaby and rock your gray skies away. I love you already. Find me quickly, little baby. I miss you so much.
I think about you often... about your future. What you will look like. Who you will become. Will you grow to be tall? Will you share your daddy's and my love of the arts? Will you excel in sports? Will you want to be a doctor? A preacher? A teacher? A husband or wife... mommy or daddy? I dream so big for you. I have high hopes for you. Whatever it is that you want out of life, I promise to do everything within my power to help you attain it. But right now, my dream is you. So find me quickly, little baby. I miss you so much.
Wherever you are, whoever you are, and whatever you grow up to become, your daddy and I cherish every breath of you. You have us wrapped around your little finger without even having to try. We've been waiting for you and ready for you for a very long time. We've loved you even longer. So find us quickly, little baby. We miss you so much.

1:10 AM
Labels: adoption, baby, journaling, letter to baby, our adoption journey