Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I can stand on my own...

... two one feet.


Nicole said...

Cool picture. It's a goose right? He/she's really neat looking!

Crystal said...

Yuppers, a goose.

I have several goose photos! Only I'm spacing them out, so I'm not a loser who only blogs like once a week anymore. ;oP

Siddhartha said...

Cool Photo. Love it.

Happy Thanksgiving Day.

Jen said...

When I was in the Bahamas I seen alot of birds, one time I was eatting watching them and I thought it only had one leg but it had 2 but the poor bird was missing a toe so it hopped around :(

Dustin said...

I wish you could have gotten a picture of the look on this goose's face when I ran up and tipped him over! Dumb goose! Shouldn't have been standing on one leg to begin with!

I'm kidding people!