Periodically I like to read through my poetry and play through a few of my songs. Going over them today, this song stood out to me. I wrote it a couple years back during a time that was hard, but when I could still plainly see God's hand in my life and feel His peace. In my heart of hearts, I know He's still there... I just can't seem to find Him lately. I don't know how to get back to the place of His peace. So much of me has been broken down, there's not much left other than pain and anger and that's pretty scary. Too many people lose their faith and abandon God over such deep pain... the thought absolutely terrifies me. I so desperately want to be assured that He's here with me, just like always. I know it's true, I just can't feel it... but then again, Christianity and faith aren't supposed to be based on feelings. I guess that's why they call it faith, it's not tangible. I could definitely use an extra dose of that stuff lately along with a good shot of reassurance.
Always Here
I feel the joy of your mighty rain pouring down
I hear the wind whispering your name
I see the clouds breaking way for your majesty
It's so clear to me that right now, right now
I see you, I see your power
I feel you, I feel your grace
It's times like these I know you're near me
You're always here... always here
Each time I fall your gentle hands lift me up
Captivating me in your perfect love
And though it seems there's a mountain in front of me
What's so clear to me is right now, right now
I see you, I see your power
I feel you, I feel your grace
It's times like these I know you're near me
You're always here... always here
And when I fear, you quiet me in your love
As you rejoice over me and sing!
I see you, I see your power
I feel you, I feel your grace
It's times like these I know you're near me
You're always here... always here
© Crystal M.H. 2007