So it has been a very long time since I have participated in Thursday Thirteen. The last one I did was a little negative, if you recall. I wrote about things you shouldn't say to people having trouble conceiving. Whew. That was back in May. It seems so long ago. I've changed since then. Some good, some bad. I've had some healing and some big disappointments. But overall, *most* people have been very kind and supportive towards me. I'm glad I wrote that post.
But today, as I participate in TT again, I figured I might write a more positive list. Seeing as summer is almost gone (wow, this year has flown by!), I decided to list:
Thirteen reasons I am looking forward to Autumn
2. November 11th. Veteran's Day, yes, but also our anniversary. This 11-11 will mark 8 years since we met, 7 years since we married, and the rest of a lifetime to go on being in love. Aww, I love my man.
3. We're giving away free jewelry! The Belles' Summer's End contest ends in September, and we'll be giving away a $25 gift certificate to the person who is randomly drawn from the newsletter list. If you haven't signed up yet, click here and do it fast! We also have another exciting contest in the works. This one will be hosted on a friend's site, and we will be giving away jewelry worth $100! I'm not sure when exactly that one will be going on, but I will let you know as soon as I know, so check back often. :o)
4. Bye-bye heat. Summer's end means cooler weather. Cooler weather means lower electricity bills! Now, since we moved into our house, our electric bills really have not been that bad. But I do love saving money, so I will be thrilled when they go down a little more.
5. No more appointments! I have a dental appointment to fill my last (very small) cavity on Friday, then after that I should be doctor appointment free for a while. Unless I decide to try out the acupuncture, that is.
6. New flooring. I'm not sure exactly when, but we will be ripping out carpet and laying down some nice wood laminate flooring in the living room, hallway, and master bedroom. I'm hoping it will be done by the end of the month. I'm SO ready to rip up this carpet. Have I mentioned I hate carpet?
7. The holidays are right around the corner. This means big bags of candy, more orders for our business, and a sense of family togetherness. I'm not sure what we'll be doing this holiday season, but I'm hoping it will be a good one.
8. New seasons on tv. We have a DVR now, so we should be able to keep up with tv shows. I'm not sure why I'm excited about this one, since we don't really have any shows planned for fall. lol Oh well. DVR is just fun.
9. Baked goodies. Now that the weather will be cooling off, I plan to bake more. I've really slacked off on baking in the past couple of years. I love freshly baked things like cookies, brownies, and breads. I look forward to having more goodies around. I especially look forward to my homemade pumpkin and apple breads - perfect autumn yummies!
10. Warm drinks. I haven't been drinking too much hot stuff lately, and I really miss my hot tea and hot apple cider. As the weather starts to get cold, my beverages will do the opposite!
11. Less traffic! With school starting again, there will be less cars on the road and less people in stores during the hours I am commonly out. Ah yes, I love it when school is in session. :o)
12. Labor day. Unfortunately, my husband has to work over the weekend, but he should have labor day off. That's something I suppose. Days off are always good. He just gets way too few of them.
13. Every month that passes brings me one month closer to being a mom, one way or another. I have no idea when it will happen, but it WILL happen. I'll get there, and autumn brings me that much closer.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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